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Endodontic Treatment in Children

Endodontic Treatment in Children

  • Endodontic treatment is popularly referred as root canal treatment.
  • When the pulp tissue of a primary or permanent tooth is infected it needs to be treated to prevent further tooth decay leading to abscess or loss of tooth.
  • Milk tooth are guide for eruption of permanent tooth hence saving them is important.
  • Two methods of treatment of pulp tissue are pulpotomy and pulpectomy.
  • Ultimate objective is to save tooth to maintain function and occlusion of dental arch.
  • In pulpotomy the inflamed pulp chamber in baby molar is removed.The area is sterlised and the chamber is sealed medication leaving behind the healthy pulp.(It can also be done in some cases in permanent tooth).
  • In pulpectomy it is total removal of pulp (nerve) of the infected or abscessed tooth .The tooth is then filled with medicated material, permanent filling is done and crown (cap) is placed on same.
  • To ensure success of endodontic treatment(root canal treatment),we always insist for stainless steel crown or metal free crown on all milk teeth that receive endodontic treatment .As the tooth receiving endodontic treatment generally have large cavities which make them prone to fracture after treatment.