Dental caries, also known as tooth decay, cavities, or caries, is a breakdown of teeth due to activities of bacteria.
It usually occurs in children and young adults but can affect any person.
Tooth decay is a common cause of tooth loss in younger people. The cavities may be a number of different colors from yellow to black.
Symptoms may include pain and difficulty with eating.
Complications may include inflammation of the tissue around the tooth, tooth loss, and infection or abscess formation
Image showing tooth decay
The main treatment option for a tooth cavity is to drill out the decay and put in a filling (restoration) made from various materials (e.g., composite resins, amalgam, porcelain).
Extensive tooth decay may necessitate a crown, root canal treatment or even extraction of the tooth.
Prevention of dental caries can be approached in three ways:
-Use Fluorides
-Reduce consumption of sugar containing food and liquids
-Apply pit and fissure sealants.